Graft For Growth is a social enterprise

The Team

Meet the Team


Jonathan Williams [Director]

Having trained at Exeter University I have spent most of my life leading a Physical Education and Outdoor Education Faculty in the UK state system. What began as an annual foreign “Charity Trip” for sixth form students, expanded to become “G4G Social Enterprise” catering for numerous local groups.Its great to see both students and adults expand their world view by engaging with inspirational leaders who are tackling poverty and general social disadvantages. The development projects effect positive change and enhance community life. Recently we have moved from Farm start-up initiatives to launch a Tourism Company with “G4G Adventure”. Please sign up for one of our trips and make a difference!

James MacGregor: Group Leader

I recently married Samantha and live in Winsley. My two grown-up children Freddie and Esme live with us for part of the week. Having worked for many years in the Automative industry in design, development and production, I missed being more hands on and in 2006 re-trained as a plumber. I first got involved with G4G in 1997 and since then due to Jon’s infectious enthusiasm have been on many more trips. As a Christian I have valued the opportunity to help others less fortunate than myself and the work enables me to utilise my plumbing and engineering skills.


Bernie Garforth: Group Leader

Prior to being a teacher, I worked as an environmental scientist, and in various marketing and business management jobs in the Uk, France and the US. I have been working with Jon in Romania for ten years across a range of community projects. My first experiences were as a teacher in charge of student groups from my own school (Kingdown in Warminster). Since I retired a few years ago, I have continued to work with G4G in a voluntary capacity as needed. It has been so wonderful to see the different projects evolve over the years, and to witness at first hand the impact they have on the local communities as well as on the students themselves.


Emilian Roman: Construction Engineer

I am married and the father of two grown-up girls. We live in Iasi in the NE of Romania. I am a qualified engineer and have been working in construction for 20 years. I am involved with G4G because they work to change things for people who need help. I am impressed how the team have made efforts to raise money and volunteer without any other interest, just to help others. I greatly enjoy seeing the change in people from the first day when they have no skills and are anxious, to the end of the project when I notice the happiness and satisfaction on everyone’s faces when they complete the job.